hola bruje...

oracle of mictlan- unblock your good fortune- Wish you had a bruja bff to ask for some life guidance? Oracle of Mictlān is latine style divination + receta designed to unlock your good fortune. Ixchel pairs divining materia + communion with spirits in session.
book this session to...Find what's in your blind spot if you've been in a rut or cycling thru repetitive circumstances, Strategize your magic. You might want a bruja's eyes to confirm + add to your trabajo planning, Explore your options + open paths of opportunity with ongoing guidance from your spirits.
testimonials: "Ixchel helped me connect with my shadow around money in a very visceral and real way- I understand unconscious areas of self sabotage. I can now allow myself to want without apology and to go after what I want." Dr. Jennifer Mullan. "Ixchel helped me shift my dynamic with money- her work helped me get job interviews, free gas, money + connections. I LOVED IT. The blessings are still raining down!" Uju Anachuna.
the deets: ~you schedule your session, ~you send your birth details {optional}, ~we jam on zoom for 30 min, ~within 24 hrs you get a copy of the recording + written receta.


There are no refunds on services or products. If you have questions prior to purchasing please email us at hola@bloodxbone.com

An Oracle of Mictlān session calls your well + wise spirits to the table, along with a divining tool like maíz, la baraja or obsidian, to deliver messages for you.

Bring your Qs! OOM is best used for finding what’s in your blindspot, strategizing + finding what paths of possibility are open to you.

Klarna + Afterpay are available at checkout. If these options don’t work for you we may consider alternative payment options. Please email hola@bloodxbone.com to chat about it.

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