hola bruje...

culto magica: a patreon membership for revolutionary brujes

learn the art + craft of indígena magic + mexican brujería


connect with a community of other brujes who share similar liberatory values + a curiousity to explore nepantla~ the in between.


be guided to engage with true power and your well spirits. practice new ways of building kinship with your spiritual ecosystem.


learn new magia techniques to create the life you want...based on the possiblities you'll find with a new level of self awareness.

we love the freedom to practice the craft our own way, but it’s nice to have the option to connect with kindred folx, yes?

Culto Mágica is founded on collectivist ideals- gathering together offers a belonging, support + often fosters a deepening in practice.

Everything is now offered on Patreon. You can drop Qs, review content, and have ease of access on the Patreon site or app.

And to make it more accessible, sliding scale pricing is offered.

Here’s what you’ll have access to:


Access a monthly gathering centered on rotating topics- the Nahua energy body, mesoamerican cosmovision, duendes + more are explored.

divination salons

Community divination is offered once a month. Drop a Q on the line when you need some extra insight.

q+a time

Ask any questions that come up about the teaching + techniques we talk about. We want everything to be clear!

seasonal lessons

We pathwork the Nahua calendar and will review the teteo (divine forces), tonalli day signs + more given the season we're cycling in.

digital goods

You'll get dibs on new digital goods made especially for our ceremonias, seasonal topics + more- look out for the monthly Bruja Astro calendar to plan your trabajos.

archival access

Every level of membership has access to all content from the start- feel free to review any topic we've covered whenever you want.

ixchel lara collage- showing hawk and black bear

your maestra

ixchel lara

I’m a professional Bruja who centers indígena wisdom + magic in my practice. My offerings conjure a craft that’s decolonial, trauma aware, and focus on liberation work for the individual + collective.

Hundreds of clients over 20+ years have been guided by me into reclaiming their true power and shaping a life of real magic. I’m the maestra of blood x bone following the lineage of Calli Ocelotl Totonaca of Veracruz, MX.


grab your spot now

Culto Mágica is all happening over on Patreon. You can join for an affordable rate- we offer sliding scale. Just pick what works for you + there’s no obligation to stay.

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