hola bruje...

three images: aloe plant, skull, and parrot

connect to the path of your good fortune

We know the real reason anyone seeks out magia, divination…or any help is because you want your life to be good.

Our kalli offerings witness that + midwife a clear path so you can have it.

We center access + equity to align with our bedrock value~liberation. So you’ll find trauma informed, decolonial perspective along with pricing that allows a thriving wage for Ixchel + more access to more people.

**Klarna + Afterpay are available for all services.

"I loved the journey. I felt completely held and was given very accurate information that resonated. The truth was delivered with grace. Your trauma-informed approach offered some deep + intentional space-holding."
"You gave me a boost in shifting my mindset. Because of it...I know how to focus my energies + what I am now choosing to act on. If you want to experience a shift I recommend Ixchel!"
LaToya Charise
latoya charise

how we can help


got Qs? email us hola@bloodxbone.com

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