hola bruje...

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"Ixchel gave me a boost in shifting my mindset. Because of it...I know how to focus my energies + what I am now choosing to act on. If you want to experience a shift I recommend Ixchel!"
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We are one of the native/indigenous groups in Mexico. You may know us as Aztec or Mexica- but not all Nahua are Mexica, and Aztec was a geo-political term for the former empire.

No. While the Mexicayotl movement has been pivotal in educating and reconnecting detribalized gente, it is not the final word on Nahua teachings and practices. You will find variances based on region and oral teachings passed on from our Elders.

My teaching + practice was passed on orally from my Maestra from the Huasteca region of Mexico. The variant of Nahuatl (language) I’m learning is from Huasteca.

Native people always had our own way of interacting with the numinous. My own ancestral lineage includes the Nahua and Purépecha. My teaching Elders are Nahua and Maya- I have learned to practice within those cosmologies, mainly Nahua. My interest + natural abilities have centered being tlachixqui- a seer rooted into nepantla.

No. MB is a decentralized, eclectic practice. It will look different from practitioner to practitioner, and also from region to region. It’s mostly taught orally, but you can find some books in Spanish.

There are a few axioms you will find in common practice- balance (energetic and otherwise) as a foundational thing to be aware of, acceptance of consequences with no set moral/value system, and keeping your work quiet.

Ha! You say ee-shell

Yes. Obviously, it wasn’t called brujería or magia. In Nahua culture it was widely practiced and accepted in various forms. They’re still practiced today. A few are-

  • tlachixqui- seer/diviner
  • tonalpouhqui- time keeper/astrologer
  • pahchihquetl- medicine person
  • quiapaquiz- weather sorcerer
  • tlamatiquetl- shaman/priest

Yes + no.

I see it as a skillset to be used as spiritual self defense. I don’t regard it as “black magic”. That perspective is simplistic and rooted in colonialism and white supremacy.

This type of magic was born from necessity by historically marginalized people. When we practice ancestral spiritual traditions, we create the means to defend ourselves + deliver justice that’s been denied.

In short- my personal approach is I’m loving towards all…I prefer peace… pero no te pases. I stay prayed up + strapped.

That said, there are other applications for this magic that don’t include aiming it at anyone.

Re: Karma and threefold law. I don’t use this magic on innocent people. The threefold law + Karma aren’t part of my spiritual lineage.

All magic has positive and negative consequences. You have to decide what you can live with.

My experience and knowledge of her is that she is kind to those who approach her with respect. Santisima responds to how she’s treated.

She accepts everyone. Don’t mistake that for her working with everyone.

She was and is and will always be a folk saint for the poor, the outcasts, the oppressed, the marginalized, the underdog in society. And she’s Mexican through and through- don’t try to make her something else.

She doesn’t care about your gender, race, sexuality, morals, or spiritual practices. In the end, death takes us all. It’s a zero sum game.

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